Once you have all your Testable Conditions, you are ready to prepare for writing your Test Cases/Scripts. Depending on the size of the application, you could have a small number of Testable Conditions, or a very large number of Testable Conditions.
If it is large, then you will need to break your tests into a number of different functional areas relevant to the application.
The first step in doing this, is of course to determine the functional areas that you are going to test.
After doing this, you should go through each of your Testable Conditions fitting them into your functional areas. In a similar fashion to how you were going through the Specifications to get your Testable Conditions, you will now go through your Testable Conditions time and again until you have fitted each of them into a relevant functional area. This is an aspect of testing that many Testers find boring, but it is also something that will enable you to have a deeper knowledge of the application than the Developers, and will prepare you for the time when you come to write and execute the tests.
Some of your conditions may fit into more than one functional area, so don't be constrained by thinking you can only use a particular condition in only one functional area. In fact, as systems and applications become more complex, there are more and more areas of overlap, but this is touching on Integration Testing, which will be discussed in another article.
Once you have determined the functional areas to test, and the relevant Testable Conditions for each area, you are finally ready to start writing your Test Cases.
If it is large, then you will need to break your tests into a number of different functional areas relevant to the application.
The first step in doing this, is of course to determine the functional areas that you are going to test.
After doing this, you should go through each of your Testable Conditions fitting them into your functional areas. In a similar fashion to how you were going through the Specifications to get your Testable Conditions, you will now go through your Testable Conditions time and again until you have fitted each of them into a relevant functional area. This is an aspect of testing that many Testers find boring, but it is also something that will enable you to have a deeper knowledge of the application than the Developers, and will prepare you for the time when you come to write and execute the tests.
Some of your conditions may fit into more than one functional area, so don't be constrained by thinking you can only use a particular condition in only one functional area. In fact, as systems and applications become more complex, there are more and more areas of overlap, but this is touching on Integration Testing, which will be discussed in another article.
Once you have determined the functional areas to test, and the relevant Testable Conditions for each area, you are finally ready to start writing your Test Cases.